Sunday 26 January 2014

Work Diary - Personal Shoot 11

For this shoot i specifically wanted to go London as i had already done a shoot up London but i wanted to see if i could make it better. In my original shoot i done up London i took photos of the London Eye, Big Ben, and the Tower Bridge, however i wanted to see if i could take these photos again so i could make improvements. Overall i thought the shoot went well because while i was up there i also cmd up with some other ideas, in the photo above you can see i have tried to do a perfume advertisement, i thought this worked quite well as i like how the perfume bottles reflect of the flash of the camera and therefore look brighter and stand out, i then like how the background is blurred and there are little specles of light as this makes the photo look more effective as an advertisement. The photo above is a photo which i tried to improve, i used the technique multiple exposure in order to capture two photos within one frame, i think it turned out well in the end because i like how i have zoomed in for one of the big bens, and then the other is smaller, i think this contrasts the actual size of the big ben. I am grateful that i took this image at night because i like how big ben is lit up and how you can see its dark around, also this makes the cars stand out as well which reflect how busy the city is. 
How i could improve
If i was to do this shoot again i would like to try it in the daytime, this would enable me to get a range of shoot and test the differet lighting. 

Thursday 23 January 2014

Work Diary - Personal Shoot 10

This shoot was based around horses as i wanted to capture horses in great detail while also showing them commercially. Therefore i planned to capture photos which showed specific detail and also pictures of people riding horses as this is how i would show them commercially. I thought my shoot went well as i captured a range of images and i also managed to get some photos which would were good enough to use as final pieces. I am especially happy with the top image as i like how the colours  contrast as this makes the horse stand out, i used the technique multiple exposure on my camera in order to achieve this effect. I think it worked very well as i like how the top part of the horses face is more visible at the top, then i like the warm colours at the bottom of the page. I did not plan to take photos like this but after experimenting i thought it worked well so i decided to experiment more with  techniques etc. Another image i really like is the one of the horses eye, i had already planned to try and capture images like this but in fact it turned out better than what i had expected. I really like this image because i like how you can see a reflection in the eye of the horse which i thought made the photo look very professional and effective. another thing i like is how the background is blurred as this makes the eye more of the focus of the picture.
What i will do next time 
next time if i was to do another shoot based around horses i would plan to take images of the horse jumping as i have some good ideas of how to edit the images for this. for example i want to capture an image which shows the horse jumping in different steps.

Monday 20 January 2014

Todays lesson

Today i will be carrying on with my connecting essays and i will also complete my print techniques

Thursday 16 January 2014