Wednesday 2 April 2014

Work Record-Shoot 7

What i am planning to do
For this shoot i am planning to take photos os flowers, i have already done a shoot similar to this however i would like to do it again to try and improve. For this shoot i will be staying at home as i have gathered a range of flowers to shoot, these include roses and chrysanthemums which also include various colours. I will most likely put the

Work Record - Shoot 6

What i am planning to do
For this shoot i am planning to go up to London, in particular Brick Lane in order to take images of street art. I have chosen Brick Lane specifcally as i know this contains lots of street art which is going to be my main focus. I have been to brick lane a few times so i already know specific places where i am going to go.
What i hope to achieve
i hope to achieve a range of photos which show close up of street art, i already have an idea of what  am going to do, this will involves me taking images of the whole piece of art and then putting the image next to a detailed part of the street art. Therefore it will show the contrast.

What i actually achieved

These are two of the images i achieved from my shoot, i like these a lot as they portray close up of street art. I went Brick lane in order to achieve these images as i knew there was going to be a lot of street art around here, I especially like the image at the top because i have shown the whole image and then put detailed bits of the image next to the whole image, i think this looks effective as it shows the patterns in lots of detail as well as emphasising the street art as it must have taken a lot of time. The second image is another favourite of mine as it i like the colours and i like the fact that the heart is leaking with paint as it connotes blood. I also like how all these colours are bright as it gives of a warm happy feeling which draws you into the image. 
What i will do next time
If i was to do this shoot again i would like to discover different places to shoot as i know a few more street art places in london. I would also like to try and interpret techniques into this by using multiple exposure with different bits of art as i think this would work well and would look effective.