Wednesday 12 February 2014

Image bank - Close Up Photography

This is an image i would like to try and do myself,
i know its quite plain but it shows close-up photography well and i feel it is something i would be able to do. I like how the photographer has used bold colours as the black makes the pink stand out more. This is something i would probably do in the studio as i would use the macro lens in order to capture lots of detail. I would also have to make sure the lighting is correct in order to get a dark look in the background. The positing of this photo has been done very carefully as the lips are right in the centre of the photo with an evenly cropped edge.

This image relates to my theme of Close-up photography, i found this image very interesting to look at and thought it was something i could try out because it also links in with fantasy. I like the the little explosion as it looks like fairy dust which makes the picture look surreal. I think the editing would have been very important in this image as it would have been very hard to try and achieve this effect. The colours are very exciting and are a mixture of whites,blues and pinks. I like how you can see smoke coming from the top and then sparks at the bottom, the positioning of this is also very effective as the explosion is more to the left side of the image. This image also contains the technique blur as the person and the background have been blurred out making the explosion the main focus of the image.

This image i found very inspiring and eye-catching due to the mixture of colours. I like the angle the image has been taken at as this shows the dice from all different angles while also different mixtures. The colours are very important within this photo as they make the dice look almost dirty and old fashioned while giving off a creepy effect. I think this looks good though, this image was most likely taken using a macro lens as its very detailed. Also this image includes the technique blue as the dice closest and furthest away from us are blurred out, this makes the dice in the middle the main focus.

This is another image i liked a lot because it links in with fantasy and close up photography. This is something i would like to try and do myself as i think i would be able to, i would use a macro lens in order to do so. I like the dark tones which have been used in this image, they make it look mysterious and creepy. i also like how the girl has her arms and face pushed up against a window as this is quite powerful and represents the meaning behind the image. This then links into the fact that she has writing on her arms. The photographer has also used blur at the bottom of the image which makes it look more creepy, therefore i think this sort of thing would link into fantasy and close up well.

All of the images above represent close-up photography, these images have now given me inspiration and ideas which i can interpret in my own work while also making them different to fit my needs.

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