Wednesday 12 February 2014

My Discussion - Close-up

When i received my exam paper for unit 4 i was very happy with the options we had to pick from as i thought they were very different from one another and also appealing to a lot of people. In the end the topic i chose was close-up photography, however i was also very keen to choose either fashion or fantasy as i thought these would be challenging and a lot different from any other work i have produced before. However after researching into all three topics i decided close-up was the best topic for me to choose as its very broad but needs to be done effectively. Furthermore I've found that i could interpret some fashion and fantasy work into my close up topic which would be interesting to see the final outcome. I already have a few ideas of how to interpret fantasy and fashion into my work and therefore i am now able to plan a few shoots. I have recognised that i will be able to do both studio shoots and locations shoot with this project which is helpful as it means I'm not fully restricted.

When creating my mind maps i came up with a range of ideas and concepts to help me in this unit. Ive found that i can use a range of specific techniques such as minimum depth of field which will require me to use zoom from a distance which will make my images look more appealing. The macro lens is an important part of equipment i will need in this project as this will enable me to be able to get up close to images in great details. This sort of image i found inspiring because it links in with fantasy and close up. I could use the macro lens the take an image of someones eye as this would enable my to capture it in detail, then i could use photoshop to manipulate it like so.

This is another image i found inspiring, i like this because it looks very natural, by this i mean it looks like the rain is real and hang been edited in photoshop. This is something i would love to try however i know his would be difficult as not a lot of meddles would be happy doing this. In order to achieve an image like this i would have to do a location shoot with a good camera.

Within this unit i want to be able to improve my photoshop skills and develop my knowledge further. This topic sounds quite simple but i know i will have to work hard at it because i will have to produce images which define close up in different ways. By this i mean its not just as simple as taking an image close up, i will have to add more to this in order to make my photos good.

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