Wednesday 11 December 2013

Work diary - Personal shoot 9

This shoot was based around fashion and scenery, i wanted to capture images to do with fashion but outside because i wanted to show commercial fashion photography outside rather than in the studio because this is what some company s do. in order to achieve these photos i went to Chelsea park and bridge in which i captured wide variety of photos to portray commercial photography. overall i thought the shoot went well because originally i wasn't planning to capture cars in my photos but when i got there i saw that this was effective and added to the scenery making the photo look more natural. whilst taking my photos i found that the park was surrounded by lots of leaves which i chose to include in my photos hence my first image which i think is effective due to the leaves and the lamposet. i chose to put 2 photos together for this image as i though it looks like something you would see in a catalogue, also i was trying to show the coat from different angles, so i thought this looked ffective. i also put them in black and white as i thought this would be different. i really like my second photo because of the background, in the original photo the car was already blurred, so i decided to blur he rest of the background apart form what she was sitting on as i thought this looked good. i also choose to put some of the background in black and white as it i thought this made the model and the coat stand out more.
what i will do next time
next time if i do a shoot like this i will make sure that i have set my camera up properly as i had a bit of trouble with the settings and the lighting, however i managed to take a lot of photos still which turned out well but originally i wasn't sure on them. i used photoshop to do a lot of the edits which helped the photos. 

Monday 2 December 2013

Image bank - Minimum Depth Of Field

Image bank for minimum depth of field
All of these images represent minimum depth of field as they show the depth of field. Minimum depth of field is a technique which involves you zooming right into the product while also standing close in order to get a blurred background. One of my favourite images within these is the first one, I like this image a lot because I like how one hand is blurred but the other one is clear, this makes it look like their is a barrier between the two hands. i think this image shows minimum depth of field well because the clear part of the photo is closer to the audience which makes it look more effective.

Image Bank - Slow Sync

Image Bank For Slow sync
All of the images above represent slow sync photography which is similar to blur photography, except the difference is that one part of the image stays in focus. Slow Synch is better done in the studio as you can adjust the lighting  and backgrounds this way and the image will also come out better this way. One of my favourite images within these is the one with the one of the cards with the colours within the middle, i like this image a lot because i like the how the colours look like a rainbow and they are just in the middle of the action, i think this looks effective as the rest of the image is in black and white and it therefore looks like the colour is coming off of the card. this would be interesting to see how this worked and it is something i would like to try myself. another image which i liked a lot was the one of the roses, i like this because i like how the flowers are in focus but it looks like their is mist going across them as something has been blurred across them both. therefore i think it looks really effective as it could also represent the sent coming from the flowers. overall i thought slow sync was good, however i if i could do the shoot again i would look back at these photos for inspiration as i only used a person in my shoots as i think objects would be good to use as its different.

Work Diary - Personal Shoot 8

This shoot was based around dogs for commercial photography, i tried to do a comparison between abandoned dogs and dogs when re homed. therefore i thought i produced two pictures which show this well as my first image shows the dog abandoned in the streets of london, i made the picture black and white and purposely used a picture of the dog looking down and sad as this makes her look more vulnerable. i then produced an image of the dog in a brighter scene looking happy, i think the colours and the setting are important in photos like this as it wouldn't have worked as well if i had used the dog looking sad in the same place as i took the happy photos because this would look too forced.overall i thought the shoot went well as i got a range of photos to portray the dog looking happy and sad which was different to my original idea but i thought it looked better this way.
what i would do next time
Next time in order to improve my shoot, i would have used different locations so i could put a range of photos together to do a better comparison. this is something i hope to do in future as i think this will look good and it will count as using one of my techniques being multiple imagery.