Wednesday 11 December 2013

Work diary - Personal shoot 9

This shoot was based around fashion and scenery, i wanted to capture images to do with fashion but outside because i wanted to show commercial fashion photography outside rather than in the studio because this is what some company s do. in order to achieve these photos i went to Chelsea park and bridge in which i captured wide variety of photos to portray commercial photography. overall i thought the shoot went well because originally i wasn't planning to capture cars in my photos but when i got there i saw that this was effective and added to the scenery making the photo look more natural. whilst taking my photos i found that the park was surrounded by lots of leaves which i chose to include in my photos hence my first image which i think is effective due to the leaves and the lamposet. i chose to put 2 photos together for this image as i though it looks like something you would see in a catalogue, also i was trying to show the coat from different angles, so i thought this looked ffective. i also put them in black and white as i thought this would be different. i really like my second photo because of the background, in the original photo the car was already blurred, so i decided to blur he rest of the background apart form what she was sitting on as i thought this looked good. i also choose to put some of the background in black and white as it i thought this made the model and the coat stand out more.
what i will do next time
next time if i do a shoot like this i will make sure that i have set my camera up properly as i had a bit of trouble with the settings and the lighting, however i managed to take a lot of photos still which turned out well but originally i wasn't sure on them. i used photoshop to do a lot of the edits which helped the photos. 

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