Monday 2 December 2013

Work Diary - Personal Shoot 8

This shoot was based around dogs for commercial photography, i tried to do a comparison between abandoned dogs and dogs when re homed. therefore i thought i produced two pictures which show this well as my first image shows the dog abandoned in the streets of london, i made the picture black and white and purposely used a picture of the dog looking down and sad as this makes her look more vulnerable. i then produced an image of the dog in a brighter scene looking happy, i think the colours and the setting are important in photos like this as it wouldn't have worked as well if i had used the dog looking sad in the same place as i took the happy photos because this would look too forced.overall i thought the shoot went well as i got a range of photos to portray the dog looking happy and sad which was different to my original idea but i thought it looked better this way.
what i would do next time
Next time in order to improve my shoot, i would have used different locations so i could put a range of photos together to do a better comparison. this is something i hope to do in future as i think this will look good and it will count as using one of my techniques being multiple imagery.

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