Monday 2 December 2013

Image Bank - Slow Sync

Image Bank For Slow sync
All of the images above represent slow sync photography which is similar to blur photography, except the difference is that one part of the image stays in focus. Slow Synch is better done in the studio as you can adjust the lighting  and backgrounds this way and the image will also come out better this way. One of my favourite images within these is the one with the one of the cards with the colours within the middle, i like this image a lot because i like the how the colours look like a rainbow and they are just in the middle of the action, i think this looks effective as the rest of the image is in black and white and it therefore looks like the colour is coming off of the card. this would be interesting to see how this worked and it is something i would like to try myself. another image which i liked a lot was the one of the roses, i like this because i like how the flowers are in focus but it looks like their is mist going across them as something has been blurred across them both. therefore i think it looks really effective as it could also represent the sent coming from the flowers. overall i thought slow sync was good, however i if i could do the shoot again i would look back at these photos for inspiration as i only used a person in my shoots as i think objects would be good to use as its different.

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