Monday 24 March 2014

Work Record - Shoot 5

What i am planning to do
For this shoot i am planning to do a studio shoot of facial features close-up. For this shoot i am going to use face paint and make-up products so i can use this on the face of my model, i think this will make my imagers look more interesting. I have planned out what designs i am going to do as i got inspiration online. I am going to use the studio for this shoot so i can alter the lighting in order to get a bright light on my model.
What i am planning to achieve
For this shoot i plan to achieve close-up images of my models face which would show detailed make-up. I will therefore be focusing on the face and in specific the eye area as this is where i will be able to capture most detail. I have said i will use face paint and make-up to do some designs on my model to make it look more appealing. for example below.

What i actually achieved
The two images below are two of my favourite images i achieved from the shoot. I like these images because they show the make-up in detail. i used photo shop however to edit them a bit to make them look more appealing and interesting. I do not think this was my best shoot as it was harder than i thought it would be when coming to do the make-up, however i am happy with how it went.

What i will do next time
if i was to do this shoot again i would definitely practise more with the make-up and do a few test shoot. i would also make sure i had enough face paint to be able to achieve the right effect as i didn't have the right type which is reflected in the photos as they are not as bold as i thought they would be.