Saturday 15 March 2014

Work Record - Shoot 2

Plans for the shoot
In order to prepare for this shoot i have specifically thought about locations as i want to shoot a river with running water as well as a bit of nature. Therefore i have organised to go to Much Hadham as i know they have a ford and a forest, while there i hope to capture the running water as well as going into the forest to capture some wild life and flowers. I am going to make sure take my camera which has a good quality zoom as i know i am going to be shooting close-up.

What i hope to achieve
I hope to achieve some really interesting shots of the flowers and the water up close. Specifically i have in mind some running water shots, I've been influenced by images i saw online, however i want to add a twist a make these my own. Therefore thats why i have chosen to go to a river because the water is naturally running and making splashes instead of someone forcing it. The image below is the sort if thing i have in mind for this shoot, i think it shows close up well as i the detail is very good and i like how there is a mixture of different colours.

What i actually achieved
This is one of the images i achieved from the shoot, i like this image a lot even though i know its not as close-up as i would of liked i still think it works well. I have edited this image quite a bit as i was experimenting with the colours and found that this looked very effective. I like how the picture is still very detailed as you can see the water running down and the splashes which i think looks effective. I played around with the levels and curves in order to get this image which i think has a high contrast but works well.

What i will do next time
If i was to do this shoot again i would definitely like to be a bit braver and try getting closer to the subject of my images. This would be challenging as i would also have a task of not getting the camera wet. Furthermore i would also like to experiment more with my edits by induing some multiple images.

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