Thursday 8 May 2014

Work Record - Shoot 8

Plans for the shoot
For this shoot i have decided to base it around textures/patterns. Therefore i will be finding any textures and patterns i can photograph to make interesting enough to put in my portfolio. i already have a few ideas in my head already for example i have looked at some patterns on clothing and shoes which i know i can photograph, also i have thought about looking at patterns outside for example on leaves and seeing what i come up with.
What i hope to achieve
I hope to achieve a range of photos which portray pattens and textures well. Also i would like to be able to try out some techniques such as multiple imagery as i think this would work out well within this focus as i could combine two different patterns together.
What i actually achieved
Overall i thought my shoot went well- better than i planned anyway. two of the images below are two of my favourite images from the shoot. The first one i got was of my friends hair, it shows texture and its very big and curly. To then make this look more appealing for close up i put the same image together four time in order to achieve this effect where i have changed the colour four different times which i think makes the image look more attractive. The second image below is one i had already planned out, this image is of my friends shoe, i took this image specifically as i was interested in the patterns and i though the colours stood out a lot. i then again put three of images together of the shoe because i wanted to exaggerate the details of the shoe. i thought this worked out well as you get to see lots of detail, also i like the background in this image, i think it complements the shoes more and also looks interesting. 

What i will do next time 
Next time if i was to do this shoots again i would like to get more objects to contrast things, also i forgot to try out multiple imagery which is something i would like to try. i think this would look very good therefore if i was to do this shoot again this would be my main priority to test this out.

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