Thursday 19 September 2013

Work Diary- Overlay

Today i completed the technique of overlay, we went out in groups and took pictures of different textures and then portrait pictures of people faces. Then on photo shop we put one image on top of the other and change the opacity and rubbed out the parts we didn't want. the two pictures above are two pictures which i achieved from the shoot. i especially like the bottom image of the model on the stones background, i think it looks effective because it looks like she is somewhere like at the beach. i also like the top image because it is different but i still think it looks effective and overall i enjoyed doing this technique.

How i can use this in my personal project
I could use this technique within my personal project as i could portray commercial photography with a twist, for example i could take picture of a building and then i could take another picture of say water and the have the building so its floating on water. 

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