Thursday 28 November 2013

Work diary - Slow Sync

I thought this shoot went well as i wasn't to sure how to achieve slow sync and was a bit unsure about the whole thing as i know it was similar to the technique blurring. however, overall i thought the shoot went well as i achieved a ranged of photos which showed slow sync well as i wasn't sure what it was. i like the top image because it shows my model performing an action and i like the blurring affect of this. i also think the bottom image is good because it shows her head in two different places and it looks like my model is turing around.
What i would do next time
if i was to do this shoot again i would like to use different models and also different colour backgrounds as i would like to see the different effects of this and then i would be able to see which colour background shows the technique the best.

Technique Page - Slow sync

set the exposure to the continuous light source
normal flash setting
get your model to move

Best Work Photography (28/11/13)

Monday 11 November 2013

Work Diary - Personal Shoot 7

This shoot was based around shoes for advertising. i thought it went well as i wanted put the shoes on top of leaves to create a winter effect so it could be winter collections of shoes. i also like how i used two complete different types of shoes as this showed different collections. my favourite photo is of the new balance trainers s i think they look well in the leaves as the leaves contrast the colour of the shoes. i thought i this shoot was good because i managed to achieve pictures which represented adverstising and commercial photography. initially i thought this shoot wouldn't go very well as i hadn't done much planning, however it did in fact go well as i always get my best ideas when out there looking for things to do.
what i will do next time
next time i go to shoot shoes i will do this in the studio as it will enable me to be able to adjust the lighting and get photos on a plain background which will look good. 

Work diary - Personal shoot 6

For this shoot i wanted to focus on fashion photography and accessories, i also wanted to pick a good location for this as i think this adds to the effect of the photo and can make it look better, and i thought it did. i thought i picked a good location as i could use some of the things i saw for props, for example in the photo above i thought my model looked effective in this box and it looked like she was trapped in a confined space wand i thought it made her look vulnerable. i also liked the photo above as i thought it showed my models outfit well and i thought it looked like the sort of picture you would see in a magazine. i though this shoot went well as i got a range of photos with my model doing different poses and wearing different outfits which i thought looked good and represented my personal topic of commercial photography well. i also liked the fact that i had a good model as i think this helps as you want a model willing to do what you ask them and to be quite photogenic. i think this has a big influence on how the photos turn out.
What i will do next time
Next time i do a shoot like this i would like to use more than one model as i thin this could work quite well together, also i would like to do a high fashion shoot and dress my model up a lot and give her different looks which i think would work well. 

Work Diary - Personal shoot 5

For this shoot i went to London in order to take photos of buildings and whatever else i could find which would fit in with my product. My outcome was very good and the two photos above are two i achieved from the shoot which i liked a lot.  i went to various places in London in order to get a range of photos, the two photos above are photos of the tower bridge and St. Paul's cathedral, other photos i got were of the London Eye, and buildings in china town which i thought were all effective still. i got a range of photos in the day and the night time which meant i had some strong photo choices to choose from. i was very happy with all the images as i took quite a few, one of my favourite images is the one of St Paul's cathedral, i like this photo a lot due to the lighting in the photo, i like how everything is dark and then the cathedral is bright with light shining on one side and dark on the other. i also like the image of tower bridge because i think its effective how the water is reflecting of the bridge, i have edited the photo to a purple colour which i also think makes the image look more effective as well as more bold.
What i will do next time
next time i got to London to take photos i will make sure i take spare batteries with me as my camera ran out of battery which was disappointing as i had a few more things in mind to photograph which i couldn't, however, i have saved tis for a another shoot.

Wide Angle And Close Up techniques

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Work Diary- Personal Shoot 4

This shoot for commercial photography was based around my car as it was an advertising shoot. i thought this shoot went well as i used two locations for this shoot, however the best location was the roof top of a car park as this enabled me to get shots which were higher up and had a clearer background. the focus of my shoot was to try and make it look like my car was moving, therefore my favourite image of the shoot is the one above. to achieve this effect i used photoshop to add lines to make it look like the car was moving and i then added in the logo of the car. it thought this picture was effective and looked like a real advertisement, i also thought i achieved my target which was to try and make m car look like it was moving. i also like how i have made the background quite dark as this makes the car stand out more as its white, i also think the angle the car has been taken on makes the image look better. overall i thought this shoot went well as i got a range of shots which shows the car at different angles, i also managed to get videos of the car which i will later out together to make an advertisement.
What i will do next time
Next time i do this shoot i aim to shoot a different kind of car in a different location. This is so i can see how different cars look when being photographed, i also think this will be challenging but worthwile. locations i would like to use will be places quite quiet, for example fields and quite places. 

Monday 4 November 2013

How i will make my work better

in order to make my work better i shall undertake a number of things in order to represent my personal project in a better and effective way. i shall plan a number of locations in order to shoot my pictures, for example places i plan to go notting hill, sloan square and various other places in London as well as using the studio.

this is one photo which is similar to one i have shot myself, i like using locations such as London as they have pretty sights and there are many things to photograph - especially at night time.

this is another photo which is similar to one i have already taken, i think this one has a better location though because it looks more natural, however, locations like this interest me a lot as i think locations can determine a good photo from a bad photo.

other shoots i plan to do are a shoot of animals, in specific dogs and horses as i would like to portray commercial side of animals. i would also like to do a makeup shoot and a fashion shoot as these link in in with my ideas. also i would like to do a landscape shoot as i find theses quite interesting.

careful planning is key when wanting a successful shoot, therefore i shall make sure i have planned my shoot out in order to get a range of successful photos to add to my portfolio.

Best Work So Far YH

This powerpoint represents my best work so far which i think is fairly good. These photos have all been taken from my personal shoots over time in which they represent commercial photography. I think these photos represent commercial photography well as they are all unique and represent different aspects of commercial photography.  furthermore i have more shoots to come to expand my project ideas and develop them into high quality photos.

i particularly like the image of the bus in london by big ben as it shows a technique but it also looks effective and represents commercial photography well. i liked my photos from this shoot a lot and it has taught me that organisation is key as a good photo can be determined not just by the quality but also the surroundings and lighting etc. overall i am happy to continue with my project as i have thoroughly enjoyed it so far.