Monday 11 November 2013

Work Diary - Personal shoot 5

For this shoot i went to London in order to take photos of buildings and whatever else i could find which would fit in with my product. My outcome was very good and the two photos above are two i achieved from the shoot which i liked a lot.  i went to various places in London in order to get a range of photos, the two photos above are photos of the tower bridge and St. Paul's cathedral, other photos i got were of the London Eye, and buildings in china town which i thought were all effective still. i got a range of photos in the day and the night time which meant i had some strong photo choices to choose from. i was very happy with all the images as i took quite a few, one of my favourite images is the one of St Paul's cathedral, i like this photo a lot due to the lighting in the photo, i like how everything is dark and then the cathedral is bright with light shining on one side and dark on the other. i also like the image of tower bridge because i think its effective how the water is reflecting of the bridge, i have edited the photo to a purple colour which i also think makes the image look more effective as well as more bold.
What i will do next time
next time i got to London to take photos i will make sure i take spare batteries with me as my camera ran out of battery which was disappointing as i had a few more things in mind to photograph which i couldn't, however, i have saved tis for a another shoot.

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