Tuesday 5 November 2013

Work Diary- Personal Shoot 4

This shoot for commercial photography was based around my car as it was an advertising shoot. i thought this shoot went well as i used two locations for this shoot, however the best location was the roof top of a car park as this enabled me to get shots which were higher up and had a clearer background. the focus of my shoot was to try and make it look like my car was moving, therefore my favourite image of the shoot is the one above. to achieve this effect i used photoshop to add lines to make it look like the car was moving and i then added in the logo of the car. it thought this picture was effective and looked like a real advertisement, i also thought i achieved my target which was to try and make m car look like it was moving. i also like how i have made the background quite dark as this makes the car stand out more as its white, i also think the angle the car has been taken on makes the image look better. overall i thought this shoot went well as i got a range of shots which shows the car at different angles, i also managed to get videos of the car which i will later out together to make an advertisement.
What i will do next time
Next time i do this shoot i aim to shoot a different kind of car in a different location. This is so i can see how different cars look when being photographed, i also think this will be challenging but worthwile. locations i would like to use will be places quite quiet, for example fields and quite places. 

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