Monday 11 November 2013

Work diary - Personal shoot 6

For this shoot i wanted to focus on fashion photography and accessories, i also wanted to pick a good location for this as i think this adds to the effect of the photo and can make it look better, and i thought it did. i thought i picked a good location as i could use some of the things i saw for props, for example in the photo above i thought my model looked effective in this box and it looked like she was trapped in a confined space wand i thought it made her look vulnerable. i also liked the photo above as i thought it showed my models outfit well and i thought it looked like the sort of picture you would see in a magazine. i though this shoot went well as i got a range of photos with my model doing different poses and wearing different outfits which i thought looked good and represented my personal topic of commercial photography well. i also liked the fact that i had a good model as i think this helps as you want a model willing to do what you ask them and to be quite photogenic. i think this has a big influence on how the photos turn out.
What i will do next time
Next time i do a shoot like this i would like to use more than one model as i thin this could work quite well together, also i would like to do a high fashion shoot and dress my model up a lot and give her different looks which i think would work well. 

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