Monday 11 November 2013

Work Diary - Personal Shoot 7

This shoot was based around shoes for advertising. i thought it went well as i wanted put the shoes on top of leaves to create a winter effect so it could be winter collections of shoes. i also like how i used two complete different types of shoes as this showed different collections. my favourite photo is of the new balance trainers s i think they look well in the leaves as the leaves contrast the colour of the shoes. i thought i this shoot was good because i managed to achieve pictures which represented adverstising and commercial photography. initially i thought this shoot wouldn't go very well as i hadn't done much planning, however it did in fact go well as i always get my best ideas when out there looking for things to do.
what i will do next time
next time i go to shoot shoes i will do this in the studio as it will enable me to be able to adjust the lighting and get photos on a plain background which will look good. 

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