Wednesday 2 October 2013

Image Bank - Multiple Imagery

All of the images above represent multiple imagery, this technique involves you taking images of different parts of one object/person and then putting them together to either make the original shape or not. Multiple imagery can be done on almost anything which is why it is a good technique as you can shoot a range of things.
I particularly like the image of the clocks, I think its very interesting as it hasn't been put back exactly together as it shows different parts of the clocks which make it more worthwhile to look at. I also like how the photographer has photographed the clock up close as it shows the detail, I also think the lighting and angles at which the photo is taken at are really good.
Another photo I like that inspired me is the one of the tree's, it may look a bit boring but I like how they have been put together not in the right order as its made it look lot more interesting, I also like the lighting within the photo as it looks quite gloomy reflecting the season.

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