Wednesday 9 October 2013

Work Diary - Personal shoot no 1

This was my first personal shoot which i done and i thought it went quite well. For this shoot i went to London in order to get some nice location for my photos which i based around a fashion shoot even though i was just experimenting. overall i thought it went well because i got a range of photos at different locations which. The image above is my favourite image because i think it links directly with my commercial fashion shoot and i think the photo overall lookd good. i really like the lighting in the photo because its shining on the right places of her body, i also like the location of this photo as she's sitting on a rock which makes the image overall look more elegant. 

what i would do next time
Next tim if i was to do this shoot again i would like to use a different location and maybe a range of models so i have a variety of photos.

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