Monday 14 October 2013

Work Diary - personal shoot 3

This shoot was based around my idea of fashion and accessory for commercial photography, I thought this shots went well because I achieved photos which related to my topic and I thought I done a good job. My main focus for this shoot was to advertise my model Michael Kors watch and her outfit also, the outcome was good and above are my two favourite images from the shoot. the top photo is showing her watch in which I made the background darker in order to make the watch stand out more which I thought went well. Another favourite image of mine is the one below that where I have mixed three images together, I did this in order to sell my products as the images all linked together so I chose to put them all together, I thought this went better than having three separate photos as it also looks more interesting.
What I will do next time
Next time I do fashion and accessory photography I would like to use a location shoot, this would be different as I haven't yet done this and I would like to see the outcome. for this type of shoot I would go somewhere like London, for example Brick Lane, as I know there are some interesting backgrounds I could use here ad I already know a few spots.

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