Monday 21 October 2013

Work Diary- Minimum depth of field

This shoot was done during my transition week in which I went outside to take photos, I thought the shoot went well because my photos portrayed minimum depth of field and I also thought the location I chose was good for this technique. the image above represents minimum depth of field which is when you set the aperture high and you zoom right into your subject from a far distance. this then makes the background blurry while making your subject completely stay in focus which then makes your subject stand out more. I like this technique because it enables you to make things stand out and this could link into my personal topic of commercial photography.
How I can use this technique
This technique can be used within my personal project because the idea of my project is to advertise things, therefore I could use this within my portraiture photography as it will be making my subject stand out which is what I want to achieve.

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