Monday 14 October 2013

Work Diary - Personal Shoot 2

This shoot was based around an experimental shoot for my personal project of commercial photography, in order to experiment i went into to town and caught photos of various things such as buildings and various things around the town. I thought the shoot went well as it enabled me to get some rough ideas of what I would like tot shoot and what I wouldn't like to shoot. overall I think I got some good shots of the building's and my favourite one is the image I have displayed above. I mirrored the image in order to get an effect which looks more interesting and I also thought this linked into commercial photography well as I could be advertising the buildings. I also like the image of the water because I think the angle is what makes the photo look best because at this angle you can see the ripples in the water which shows great detail.
What I will do next time
Now I have got some ideas on commercial photography next time I would like to shoot building in more depth. by this I mean I would like to go to places like London where there are a range of building and shoot them in more depth and different angles.

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